Ever fancied investing in stocks & shares but have no idea where to start? Fascinated by the idea of cryptocurrencies but not sure how to invest? If you’re looking to make your money work harder for you, our new partners eToro is the best place to start.
For more than a decade, eToro has been a leader in the global Fintech revolution. It is the world’s leading social trading network, with millions of registered users and an array of innovative trading and investment tools.
Whether you’re feeling risky and adventurous, or just want to tuck some money safely away for several years, eToro has a wide range of options for beginner and seasoned investors alike.
100% Stocks, 0% Commission
Why pay fees when you don’t have to? Invest in a large variety of stocks on eToro without paying any markups, ticketing or management fees. There are no limits on trading volume, either.
Trade and Invest
You can choose to trade in top stocks, ETFs, currency pairs, indices and commodities via CFDs. Investing in the financial markets has never been easier.
Explore an ever-expanding variety of cryptocurrencies, and buy and sell on eToro’s Cryptocurrency Trading Platform. Build your crypto-based portfolio and enjoy benefits not offered by most exchanges.