How to download your SA302 / tax calculations, tax returns (SA100), and tax year overviews from the website

Mortgage Lenders nearly always require you to provide your HMRC SA302 & Tax Year overviews to support and evidence the income you have earned and declared for your employed, self employed, dividend and property related remuneration. So, how can you access this information? HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) provides the information online. or paper originals … Read more

CIS Monthly Return; What Is It?

Simply put, the Construction Industry Scheme “CIS” helps regulate the payments that construction contractors make to subcontractors who carry out work for them. They must complete a CIS return each month, so that HMRC know who has been paid, and how much. Who should register for CIS? A contractor, architect or tradesperson who uses subcontractors … Read more